Install any IDE which supports Rust. I would recommend using Visual Studio Code, since it's easier to setup debugging using gdb/openocd. I am using CLion, just a big fan of JetBrains products, and it has very nice Rust plugin. Please note: CLion is a commercial product.
Please follow this link: https://medium.com/coinmonks/coding-the-stm32-blue-pill-with-rust-and-visual-studio-code-b21615d8a20 if you wish using VSC.
- Download and install ARM gcc toolchain: https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm
- Download nRF SDK 15.2 from https://www.nordicsemi.com/-/media/Software-and-other-downloads/SDKs/nRF5/Binaries/nRF5SDK15209412b96.zip
and point the link to
# cd ~/path_to_sources/includes/nrf
# ln -sf <extracted source> nRF5-sdk
- Update rust or install it if not installed yet. To do so follow the single step on: https://rustup.rs/
- Install nightly toolchain:
# rustup default nightly
- Install non-std components for the ARM-Cortex targets:
# rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi \
thumbv7m-none-eabi \
thumbv7em-none-eabi \
Install openocd / gdb
OpenOCD version 0.10.0 does not have support for nRF52840 device, at least the one I tried to install using brew. To fix it on Mac, please follow these steps:
# brew edit open-ocd
And update the following lines to:
def install ENV["CCACHE"] = "none" system "./bootstrap", "nosubmodule" if build.head? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-buspirate", "--enable-stlink", "--enable-dummy", "--enable-bcm2835gpio", "--enable-jtag_vpi", "--enable-remote-bitbang" system "make", "install" end
NOTE: It is important to have this flag set: --enable-bcm2835gpio
- Under the Linux, grab the sources, and configure it using the following flags
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-jlink \ --enable-oocd_trace \ --enable-bcm2835gpio
There're no such limitations/issues with GDB at the moment, so install it from any source you could.
If you found any error, or configuration missed you're welcome to open a PR. Thank you!
# make openocd
# cargo run
cargo run
in this case would run a project in debug mode.
- Change serial interface for the Simcom module, use the generic one,
provides. - Setup interrupt handler for the RX line to receive bytes from the simcom UART line.
- Create an abstraction(s) to handle AT commands.
- Would be nice to have a Finite State Machine abstractions. How? For example, having one state machine executor which would receive a state machine to invoke. The clock source is device configured clock.