
I created this repository to joke with some API calls and experiment new features of React and study new concepts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

API Management

I created this little project to joke with some API's calls and deal with the data returned of them.

Used API Calls

Frontend Dependencies

Backend Dependencies

I created this project with intuict to joke to some APIs calls nad study i little bit about them.

Twitter API: receive top trends of some locations: Worldwide, São Paulo, Toronto and London. You can choose how much tweets you wanna see, ordened by 05, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 tweets per column

Weather API: Choose a location and see the data about that location choosed, like: weather speed, description and an icon relationed, the location itself and temperature.

Github API: Type an username on Github and see some informations about the profile, bio description, number of repositories, link to the github profile and avatar.

Spotify API: Choose an artist in a row and see their respective albums.

How to use

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/dieezs/api_management

# Go into the repository
$ cd api_management

# Install dependencies and packages utilized
$ npm install

# Run the app and Enjoy!
$ npm start