
Emoji search API

Primary LanguageGo


Install and run

$ git clone https://github.com/dgparker/emojime
$ cd emojime && go build -o emojime-rest cmd/emojime-rest/main.go

// run
// NOTE: default dataset and search index can be found in emojime/data folder
$ EXPORT EMOJIME_SRC=/path/to/emojime/src
$ EXPORT EMOJIME_SEARCH_INDEX=/path/to/emojime/index
$ ./emojime-rest


emojime is a simple REST API for emoji search.

The goal of the project is to provide a better search experience for emojis. Current implementations fail to properly group/organize emoji data in a consistent manner and often times return less than optimal results.

Emojis are currently indexed using the following fields

given the following emoji: 🎱

  • Category - Activities
  • SubCategory - sport
  • Unicode character - U+1F3B1
  • Name - pool 8 ball
  • Tags - 8, 8 ball, ball, billiard, eight, game
  • Shortcode - :8Ball:

Currently using bleve for search and go-memdb for in memory storage. These technologies enable the emojime service to provide fast response times and consistent results.

Future enhancements

  • develop our own dataset using the official unicode emoji list found here
  • enable hot reload of source data