
Primary LanguagePython

SMS AI Chatbot

This project is an SMS AI Chatbot built using FastAPI, Twilio, and LangChain. It is designed to handle SMS interactions with users, providing functionalities like basic chat and fetching directions.

It's aimed at supporting dumbphones by providing basic needs over SMS.


  • Chat: Regular ChatGPT-style conversations over SMS.
  • Reset Chat History: Allows users to reset their conversation history.
  • Get Directions: Users can request directions from one location to another.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Python 3.8+
  • pip and virtualenv
  • Twilio Account and API credentials
  • LangChain Account and API credentials


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/dgrah50/aisms
cd aisms

Install dependencies Using poetry:

poetry install

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:



To start the application, run:

poetry run start

This command starts the FastAPI server on http://localhost:8000\ by default, and the server will reload automatically on code changes.

API Routes

POST /sms/: Endpoint to receive SMS messages from Twilio and process based on the command or regular chat. Security Requests are authenticated using Twilio's request validation to ensure they are indeed coming from Twilio.