
JavaScript to embed Picasa web albums within any webpage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript code to embed Picasa Web albums within a web page.  The
Slimbox2 plug-in for jQuery is used to provide a lightbox effect
when viewing images.  

This project was originally described in the following blog post:
Project Files
  picasaweb.inc        Sample PHP code for generating a web page
                       containing a Picasa web album.
  js/picasaalbum.js    JavaScript code to embed a Picasa Web album
                       within a web page.
  jquery/*             jQuery module used for album generation.
  slimbox/*            Slimbox2 module used for image display.

Integrating with Drupal
The picasaweb.inc example was intended to be used with content
management systems such as Drupal.  It may be used to embed an
album within a Drupal 6 page with the following PHP code:

	picasa_create_album('myuserid', 'MyAlbumName');