
Solving the paint shop problem

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT




This utilizes a brute force approach to solving the paint-shop problem. My focus was placed on:

  • providing excellent code coverage
  • readable code.

To a lesser extent I focused on the use of O(1) data structures; howewever, a focus was not placed on performance.

Please note the use of OClif for the CLI aspects. While I've used yargs and vanilla process.argv in the past, I find OClif has the best type-safety and tooling for cross-OS executables written in TypeScript.

Manually Running

  1. npm install
  2. npx .\bin\run -p "{fullyQualifiedPathOfFile}" ...for example, npx .\bin\run -p "C:\dev\paint-shop-problem\testCases\noSolutionCase.txt"

Optionally you can run npx .\bin\run -h


See OClif's release instructions.


$ npm install -g paint-shop-problem
$ take-paint-orders COMMAND
running command...
$ take-paint-orders (-v|--version|version)
paint-shop-problem/1.0.0 win32-x64 node-v14.16.0
$ take-paint-orders --help [COMMAND]
  $ take-paint-orders COMMAND