
This example repository shows how you can use tsoa with koa to generate swagger and routes for an api that would write to a SQL database via TypeORM

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This example repository shows how you can use tsoa with koa to generate swagger and routes for an api that would write to a SQL database via TypeORM

Note: This has a lot of advanced cases that you may not need:

  • It builds a different swagger.yaml file based on the environment it's running in. See tsoaCustom.ts to learn how that works
  • This has dockerfiles and CodeFresh pipeline files so it can be easily run in CICD
  • It enforces that certain environment variables are present at compile time and at runtime. See src\config\configInitiator.ts for more information
  • It has a docker-compose.yml file that will create a local database for you. If you want to try running without that, you can set process.env.DEMO_MODE to true

How to bend this example repo to your usage:

  1. Ctrl+shift+f for REPLACE_ME and insert your own values

Reference Material

For Developers

Local development information


  1. Node 10.15.3
    • if using n, check with n
    • if using nvm, check with nvm current
  2. npm
  3. yarn
  4. Docker Desktop

Run local dev server (Node API):

  1. Install Dependencies: yarn
  2. Initialize the database: yarn db:init
    • run yarn db:where-is-dev-db-running to get the ip address you will use for PGAdmin setup
  3. Run migrations so that your schemas are current yarn db:migrate:run
  4. To run the development server: yarn start:dev. If you would prefer to debug inside your editor, you can look at the editor config doc for help.
  5. To open up PgAdmim - (use values from file docker-compose.yml)
    • get the pgadmin.ports value WITHOUT the colon and part to the right as pgAdminValue (for example: localhost:9000)
    • PgAdmin will run in a browser at localhost:{pgAdminValue}
    • create a new Server and connection.
      • the server name is the value of POSTGRES_DB
      • the connection Host name/Address is where the dev db is running (see step 2)
      • the UserName is the value of POSTGRES_USER
      • the Passowrd is the value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD
  6. Post a new orator using the swagger page and expect a 200 response to validate your dev setup is complete.

Building for production (Node API)

To build for production: yarn build. Which can then be started with: $ yarn start

Available npm script commands (yarn <taskname>)

  1. start:dev - this is what you'll want to run if you're running locally
  2. test - run unit tests
  3. test:cov - run tests with code coverage. Note this will mangle stack traces on failure reports, so it is generally recommended to use the bare test command for development an only run this when a coverage report is desired. HTML coverage report will be written to the coverage directory.
  4. build - build for release. writes output to build directory
  5. start - run application from built source
  6. Dev Server
    • dev-server - run development server from the command line
    • dev-server:debug - run development server with additional logging
  7. lint - run typescript linter
  8. available-routes - see which routes koa is currently making available
  9. Docker
    • docker:build
    • docker:run
  10. Database Interaction
    • db:migrate:generate nameOfTheNewMigration - this should be run any time there is a schema change
    • db:migrate:run - run all migrations (utilizes a table migrations)
    • db:migrate:revert - undo most recent migration

To build your own docker image (Node API)

  1. docker build -t msvc-example-service . - build the image RUN FROM CMD WINDOW FAILS _ RUN FROM TERMINAL IN VSCODE FAILS
  2. docker run -d -p 5555:5555 msvc-example-service - run docker container
  3. on the host machine open a browser and test that it is running here: http://localhost:5555/api/health