Image Gallery App


The Image Gallery App is a mobile application that allows users to explore a curated collection of images. Users can view images, mark them as favorites, and access their favorite images in a dedicated Favorites section.


1. Viewing Images

  • The app displays a collection of images, each accompanied by the author's name.
  • Users can scroll horizontally to view different images.

2. Adding to Favorites

  • Each image has a button labeled "Add to Favorites". When tapped, the image is marked as a favorite.
  • Marked favorites have a filled heart icon, while unmarked ones have an outlined heart icon.

3. Favorites Section

  • Users can access their favorite images by tapping the heart icon in the app bar.
  • The Favorites section displays a list of favorite images, including the author's name.

4. Removing from Favorites

  • In the Favorites section, users can tap the heart icon on a favorite image to remove it from the list.


  1. Viewing Images:

    • Open the app to view a collection of images.
    • Swipe left or right to explore different images.
  2. Adding to Favorites:

    • Tap the "Add to Favorites" button below an image to mark it as a favorite.
    • The button will change to "Remove from Favorites" if the image is already a favorite.
  3. Accessing Favorites:

    • Tap the heart icon in the app bar to navigate to the Favorites section.
    • Here, you'll find a list of your favorite images.
  4. Removing from Favorites:

    • In the Favorites section, tap the heart icon below an image to remove it from your favorites.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • HTTP Package (for network requests)

Running the App

To run the app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Ensure you have Flutter and Dart SDK installed.
  4. Run flutter pub get to install dependencies.
  5. Use flutter run to launch the app on your preferred device/emulator.