- Click on the 'Deploy to Heroku' button on a new tab
- There you can choose a name for your app and the location where it will run
- Then make sure it has automatically selected the add-ons stated below
- Config variables are to be filled in as stated below too (except for SENDGRID_API_KEY)
- Click of 'Deploy for Free'
- Wait for deploy to finish and click on 'Manage app'
- Go to 'Settings' -> 'Reveal config vars' and copy SENDGRID_PASSWORD and SENDGRID_USERNAME
- Go to sendgrid.com and log in with those credentials
- Click on 'Settings' -> 'API Keys' -> 'Create API Key' -> 'General API Key', set the name you want, give it full access to everything, and save
- Copy the generated key and paste it on SENDGRID_API_KEY, back on Heroku config vars
- Now go to 'Resources', desactivate 'web', and activate 'worker' (using the pencils and the switchs)
- Finally click on 'Heroku Scheduler' -> 'Add new job', fill in
node index.js
, frequency the one you want and save
- SENDER_NAME: name sending the email (defaults to 'Availability Checker')
- URLS: comma separated list of the URLs to check, e.g. 'http://primeraurl.com,https://segunda.net'
- EMAILS: comma separated list of emails to send the notification to, e.g. 'hey@yo.com,go@go.com'
- SENDGRID_EMAIL: autofilled when enabling the Sendgrid add-on
- SENDGRID_USERNAME: autofilled when enabling the Sendgrid add-on
- SENDGRID_API_KEY: see install instructions above to generate it in sendgrid.com
- scheduler:standard. To run the script again and again
- sendgrid. To send the emails