- Ethereum dApp built on Solidity + React.
- Project developed by Diego Gonzalez (@ Enxendra/Docuten) for ConsenSys Bootcamp 2019 (Twitter: @dgrmunch | Web: xmunch.com)
- To be used for distributed proof-of-existence and proof-of-life experiments (using document hashes + ipfs hashes).
- Check this video to see how to run your own instance of the dApp:
- I have published also some instructions below, just in case you want to go deeper or if something in the video is not clear enough.
- Check this video to see how the dApp works and how to use it:
- Access https://dgrmunch.github.io/docuten-blockchain-proof-dapp
- Connect Metamask to Ropsten
- More info about the addresses + ABIs for deployed smart contracts in the file deployed_addresses.txt
npm install
npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider
npm install --save gh-pages
truffle migrate --network ropsten
truffle migrate --reset
(for local test)
This will deploy the smart contracts.
cd client
npm run start
This will run a node dApp. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You will need Metamask in your browser to make it work
truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten
npm run deploy
By default, it will be deployed here: https://dgrmunch.github.io/docuten-blockchain-proof-dapp/ Update the configuration in truffle-config.js in order to adapt it to your needs.
truffle test
- In deployed_address.txt (updated)
- In the truffle develop shell, typing:
const fs = require('fs');
const contract = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('client/src/contracts/ProofOfLifeProxy.json', 'utf8'));