
Statistical computations for visualisation

Primary LanguageC++


Travis-CI Build Status Coverage Status CRAN_Status_Badge

The goal of ggstat is to extract out useful statistical transformations needed by visualisation tools and make them as fast as possible.

ggstat will provides two families of functions:

  1. Functions that work directly on the raw data, and work with hundreds of thousands of observations.

  2. Functions follow the bigvis philosophy of bin-summarise-smooth, that scale to millions of observations.

ggstat provides a low-level vector-based interface. Functions have at most three vector inputs (x, y, and wt), as well as parameters that control the operation of the function. Each summary function is paired with a parameter function that will guess reasonable defaults from data. All functions return a data frame with consistent variable nams and types. Most people will use ggstat via a visualisation package like ggplot2 or ggvis.


You can install ggstat from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")