
A FP package for R in the spirit of underscore.js

Primary LanguageR


Build Status

This is a functional programming (FP) library in the style of underscore.js, low-dash and lazy.js. An alternative name for lowliner might be lplyr. By analogy with dplyr, it's a re-thinking of plyr specialised for lists.


lowliner is currently not on CRAN, but you can get it from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The following example uses lowliner to solve a fairly realistic problem: split a data frame into pieces, fit a model to each piece, summarise and extract R^2.


mtcars %>%
  split(.$cyl) %>%
  map(~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .)) %>%
  map(summary) %>%

Note the three types of input to map(): a function, a formula (converted to an anonymous function), or a string (used to extract named components).

The following more complicated example shows how you might generate 100 random test-training splits, fit a model to each training split then evaluate based on the test split:

random_group <- function(n, probs) {
  probs <- probs / sum(probs)
  g <- findInterval(seq(0, 1, length = n), c(0, cumsum(probs)), 
    rightmost.closed = TRUE)
partition <- function(df, n, probs) {
  replicate(n, split(df, random_group(nrow(df), probs)), FALSE) %>% 
    unzip() %>% 

msd <- function(x, y) sqrt(mean((x - y) ^ 2))

# Genearte 100 rbootandom test-training splits
boot <- partition(mtcars, 100, c(test = 0.8, training = 0.2))

boot <- boot %>% mutate(
  # Fit the models
  models = map(training, ~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)),
  # Make predictions on test data
  preds = map2(models, test, predict),
  diffs = map2(preds, test %>% map("mpg"), msd) 

# Evaluate mean-squared difference between predicted and actual



  • Apply a function to each element: map() returns transformed list; map_v() returns transformed vector, each() returns original list, calling function for its side effects; map2() and map3() vectorise over multiple inputs.

  • Reduce a list to a single value by iteratively applying a binary function: reduce() and reduce_right().

  • Figure out if a list contains an object: contains().

  • Order, sort and split a list based on its components with split_by(), order_by() and sort_by().

Predicate functions

(A predicate function is a function that either returns TRUE or FALSE)

  • keep() or discard() elements that satisfy the predicate..

  • Does every() element or some() elements satisfy the predicate?

  • Find the value (detect()) and index (detect_index()) of the first element that satisfies the predicate.

  • Find the head/tail that satisfies a predict: head_while(), tail_while().

Lists of functions

  • invoke() every function in a list with given arguments and returns a list, invoke_v() returns a vector.

Function operators

  • Fill in function arguments with partial().

  • Convert a function to take a list of inputs with splat().

  • Compose multiple functions into a single function with compose().

  • Negate a predicate funtion with negate().


The goal is not to try and simulate Haskell in R: lowliner does not implement currying or destructuring binds or pattern matching. The goal is to give you similar expressiveness to an FP language, while allowing you to write code that looks and works like R.

  • Instead of point free style, use the pipe, %>% to write code that can be read from left to right.

  • Instead of currying, we use ... to pass in extra arguments.

  • Anonymous functions are verbose in R, so we provide two convenient shorthands. For predicate functions, ~ . + 1 is equivalent to function(.) . + 1. For chains of transformations functions, . %>% f() %>% g() is equivalent to function(.) . %>% f() %>% g().

  • R is weakly typed, so we can implement general zip() and unzip(), rather than having to specialise on the number of arguments. (That said I still provide map2() and map3() since it's useful to clearly separate which arguments are vectorised over).

  • R has named arguments, so instead of providing different functions for minor variations (e.g. detect() and detectLast()) I use a named argument, .first. Type-stable functions are easy to reason about so additional arguments will never change the type of the output.

Related work

  • rlist, another R package to support working with lists. Similar goals but somewhat different philosophy.

  • List operations defined in the Haskell prelude

  • Scala's list methods.