
Miscellaneous functions for psychologists

Primary LanguageR

psymisc: Miscellaneous functions for psychologists

NOTE: This package is in development. Function design, names and arguments may change.

psymisc is an R package that provides some useful high-level and helper functions for psychologists that make everyday data analysis a little bit easier.


  • *_apa(): A set of functions for formatting statistical output according to APA guidelines, ready to copy-and-paste into manuscripts (supports Text, Markdown, RMarkdown, HTML, LaTeX, docx1 and R's plotmath syntax). Currently available methods are anova_apa()2, chisq_apa(), cor_apa() and t_apa(). These functions were heavily influenced by the *_out() functions in the schoRsch package.
  • apa(): A wrapper around the *_apa()-functions for use in inline code in RMarkdown documents.
  • cohens_d()/cohens_d_(): Calculate Cohen's d effect size (from raw data, t-test or statistical parameters). Also supports Hedge's g* and Glass's Δ.
  • ci(): Confidence interval around the mean.
  • cor_table(): Create a correlation matrix similar to cor but with significance asterisks.
  • ds(): An alternative to aggregate() for summary statistics. It wraps dplyr::group_by() and dplyr::summarise() into a convenient formula interface.
  • fplot(): Convenient plotting of means and standard errors or boxplots of factorial data.
  • mean_cor(): Calculate the mean of several correlations using Fisher-Z-transformation.
  • moe(): Margin of error, half the width of the confidence interval around the mean.
  • plotsig(): A convenience function for displaying significance in ggplot2 plots.
  • recode(): Recode variables based on multiple rules.
  • routlier(): Remove or flag outliers.
  • se(): Standard error of the mean, SE = SD(x) / sqrt(n)
  • stats_table(): Compare group characteristics (means and standard deviations plus significance tests). Outputs to either the console, HTML (which can then be copy-and-pasted directly into Word) or LaTeX.
  • t_test(): A wrapper for t.test() that includes the original data in its return list (in order to calculate the effect size in cohens_d() and t_apa() directly from the data).

1 pandoc is required for docx output and needs to be installed manually when not using RStudio (which ships pandoc).

2 Supports input from ezANOVA() from the ez package and aov_ez() / aov_car() / aov_4() from the afex package.


The development version can be installed using:


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