
📚 Learning and exploring various HTTP client and servers in the JVM eco-system: Netty, Jetty, Apache HTTP Components.

Primary LanguageJava


📚 Learning and exploring various HTTP client and servers in the JVM ecosystem: Netty, Jetty, Apache HTTP Components.

NOTE: This is currently being re-tooled as an "http-client-server-playground". See the Wish List section. This is a work-in-progress.


This project includes simple usage examples of some Java-based HTTP client libraries, Java-based HTTP servers, and a JMeter load test. It is broken down into a collection of subprojects:

  • clients/
    • A collection of simple usage examples of some Java-based HTTP client libraries
    • client-httpcomponents-v4
    • client-httpcomponents-v5
  • client-jmeter-plugin/
  • client-runner/
  • servers/
    • server-wiremock/
      • A WireMock mock HTTP server.
    • server-spring/
      • A simple Spring Boot app that serves as a mock HTTP server.
    • server-netty


Follow these instructions to run a scenario:

  1. Use Java 21
  2. Run a mock HTTP server:
    • ./gradlew servers:server-wiremock:run
    • Alternatively, run a mock HTTP server with different server tech using one of the following commands.
    • ./gradlew servers:server-spring:run
    • ./gradlew servers:server-netty:run
    • ./gradlew servers:server-jetty:run
    • ./gradlew servers:server-micronaut:run
  3. Execute a scenario for one of the HTTP client libraries:
    • ./gradlew client-runner:run --args 'httpcomponents-v4 single-request false'
    • Alternatively, try a different scenario and different client library. For example, use the following command.
    • ./gradlew client-runner:run --args 'httpcomponents-v5 multiple-requests true'
  4. Observe the server statistics
    • Open http://localhost:8070/stats/ in the browser
    • Statistics include things like the number of responses with 200/300/400/500 status codes, the number of connections, and the amount of memory used by the server.


This subproject enables using JMeter to define and execute test plans against the Apache HTTP Components code. It builds a JMeter plugin distribution.

Follow these instructions to run the JMeter load test:

  1. Use Java 21
  2. Use JMeter 5.6.1
  3. Run a mock HTTP server:
    • ./gradlew servers:server-wiremock:run
  4. Build the JMeter plugin distribution:
    • ./gradlew :client-jmeter-plugin:installDist
  5. Run the load test:
    • ./run-jmeter-load-test.sh
  6. Optionally, edit the test plan:
    • ./edit-jmeter-load-test.sh
    • And then repeat the earlier step to run the test again, as desired.

Wish List

General clean-ups, changes and things I wish to implement for this project:

  • DONE Add a Jetty server example
  • DONE Add a Netty server example
  • How can we get the Apache HttpComponents client to fail? How do we leak connections? I am curious to force a leak and see how the system (client/server) behaves because connection leaks are a common thing in the real world and I want to understand it better.
  • IN PROGRESS Re-tool this repo as a "http-client-server-playground" where multiple kinds of clients (Apache HttpComponents, OkHttp, Java standard library's HttpClient, others?) can be tested against multiple kinds of servers (Jetty, Tomcat, Netty, maybe Undertow).
    • DONE Organize the clients
    • IN PROGRESS Componentize/organize/modularize (whatever) the JMeter plugin modules. This is a bit tricky because there are limited options for getting JMeter plugin and JMeter utility/library code on the classpath. See the options listed in the official docs.
    • SKIP? (The client-runner is ok as is. It already parameterizes the scenario/client types) Create a runner shell script, which let's you pick which client to use, and which "scenarios" and other options.
    • DONE add a Spring Boot based server.
  • DONE (latest JMeter supports Java 17 thankfully; I won't go to 21 any time soon) Upgrade to Java 17 but BE WARNED. I've tried this twice (in April 2022 and sometime earlier) and I think JMeter doesn't work on Java 17. I get this error when I run the JMeter simulation:
    Error generating the report: org.apache.jmeter.report.dashboard.GenerationException: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Begin size 1 is not equal to fixed size 5
  • DONE Dependency upgrades for late 2023
  • Replace dependency-constraints with a TOML-based version catalog. Although consider if the dependendency-constraints-jmeter actually serves a unique purpose that we can't get from a TOML-based version catalog. Maybe use two different version catalogs?
  • DONE Major upgrade to http4k 5.x
  • Major upgrade to WireMock 3.x
  • DONE Upgrade to HttpComponents client 5.3.x
  • DONE Consider upgrading to SLF4J 2.x (but the other dependencies, especially JMeter, might not be ready for it)
  • Upgrade Spring Boot to 3.x
  • DONE Upgrade to Gradle 8.5

