Simple Virtual Machine and Assembler.

Primary LanguageC++

Super Simple Virtual Machine And Assembler

VM Specifications

  • 8 Bit Memory Space and Register Size
  • 3 General Purpose Registers: R0, R1, R2
  • One PC (Program Control) Register
  • 16 Address Jump/Read Limitation

Instruction Set

  • READ y: Load value at memory offset y (from current Program Control) into r0.
  • LOAD x, y: Load value at memory address stored in register y into register x (Indirect)
  • STORE x, y: Write value in register y into memory address stored in register x (Indirect)
  • COPY x, y: Copy value in register y to register x
  • ADD x, y: Add value in register y to value in register x and store result in register x
  • JG x: Add offset of x to PC if previous instruction result was greater than 0
  • SYS x: Executes system call with id x. By convention R0 is used as an argument.
    • HALT: Stops the program
    • PUTC: Output character value stored at r0 to stdout.
    • GETC: Read one character from stdin and store in r0.

Assembler Features

  • Single file only.
  • Labels to reference memory locations.
  • In-line data prefixed with '.'.
  • Ability to reference other data locations by creating a named datum with value of address of other datum.