
Quick and dirty (literally) MZSearchHints (iTunes Store trending searches and search suggestions) implementation

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Quick and dirty (literally) MZSearchHints implementation that translates iTunes into Pornhub.

How to use

Fiddler works quite well for this type of thing. One way to redirect hints requests with Fiddler is to add the following to OnBeforeRequest:

if (oSession.HostnameIs("search.itunes.apple.com") && oSession.uriContains("/WebObjects/MZSearchHints.woa/wa/hints")) {
            oSession.hostname = "[server]";
            oSession.fullUrl = "http://" + oSession.url

For trending searches, add the following AutoResponder rule:

Match: https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearchHints.woa/wa/trends
Respond: http://[server]/WebObjects/MZSearchHints.woa/wa/trends/

Once you've set up Fiddler correctly and launched MZSearchHints, you should see some rather NSFW trending searches and search suggestions when using the iTunes Store search.