Regression Models using R: Workshop

Repository for the 2021 Summer R Workshop at Northwestern University.

The workshop is divided into five parts. Day 1 focuses on building simple linear regression. On day 2, we will explore model diagnostics. Day 3 examines variable selection and model building. On Day 4, we will check logistic regressions. Finally, we will check Generalized Linear Models on Day 5.

The data is contained in the data folder of this repository, but you do not need to download the entire repository to load the data in the code.

Note on Versioning

This workshop was created using R version 4.1.1.

How to Run the R Notebooks on your Local Machine

Download RStudio and R on your laptop. Once you have installed both softwares, open RStudio and open the R notebooks. You must keep the R notebook files and the CSV files in the same folder.

Files for the workshop

We will work on these files in the workshop.

  1. R Exercises Part 1
  2. R Exercises Part 2
  3. R Exercises Part 3
  4. R Exercises Part 4
  5. R Exercises Part 5

Solutions to Exercises

You can find the R notebook solutions to the exercises in the following links:

  1. R Solution Exercises Part 1
  2. R Solution Exercises Part 2
  3. R Solution Exercises Part 3
  4. R Solution Exercises Part 4
  5. R Solution Exercises Part 5

You can also see the R notebook solutions printed as html files:

  1. HTML Solution Exercises Part 1
  2. HTML Solution Exercises Part 2
  3. HTML Solution Exercises Part 3
  4. HTML Solution Exercises Part 4
  5. HTML Solution Exercises Part 5