DHCOM i.MX6 Yocto BSP Platform

Supported boards


Quick Start

1. Install Google's repo utility

$: mkdir ~/bin
$: curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

  You can choose any other directory to download the tool. Just make sure that its available in your $PATH variable.

2. Create a project directory

$: mkdir dhcom-yocto-bsp

3. Initialize repositories and download the sources

$: repo init -u https://github.com/dh-electronics/dhcom_imx6-bsp-platform -b $BRANCH

  For Yocto Thud, choose branch "thud". 
  If you are a customer with specific layer settings, your branch is "thud_projectname"

  After the repositories are successfully initialized, download the sources

$: repo sync

4. Available Machine Types

dhcom1bimx6ull - i.MX6ULL for PDK2
dhcom1bimx6ulldrc02 - i.MX6ULL for DRC02

5. Setup Yocto environment and build your Image (Example: DHCOM i.MX6ULL)

$: MACHINE=dhcom1bimx6ull DISTRO=fslc-framebuffer source ./setup-environment build
$: bitbake core-image-minimal

For other DHCOM modules or customer specific settings, $MACHINE and Bitbake-Image might differ.

6. Applying your image to SD card

  Yocto builds a Wic SD card image which is stored in the build directory.
  Make sure to change the device name in the following command before call.

$: cd tmp/deploy/images/dhcom1bimx6ull/
$: gunzip -c core-image-minimal-dhcom1bimx6ull.wic.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress