
Customer Support Application with Live chat and notifications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Customer support application with Next.js, Appwrite Cloud, Novu, and EmailJS

The application does the following:

  • allows customers to create support tickets,
  • authenticates staff and ensures that no one other than the staff can log in to the application,
  • notifies the staff when a customer creates a support ticket,
  • allows both the staff and customers to settle disputes via the live-chatting feature powered by Appwrite Cloud, and
  • sends a confirmation email to the customers when they open a ticket and also when a staff sends them a message regarding the open ticket.

Customer Support Workflow

Live Demo

How-to Guide

Read article on DEV


  • Clone the project repository. Don't forget to star the repo 😉
  • Run npm install to install its dependencies.
  • Start the development server by running npm run dev
