
An audio-only, VLC-powered YouTube player for the command line.

Primary LanguagePython


An audio-only YouTube player for the command line.


you relies on VLC being installed already. All other dependencies should be installed automatically as needed.


you is installable via pip.

pip install https://github.com/dhaffner/you.git

After that, type you to verify that the install completed successfully.


To show the full list of commandline options, run:

you -h

Search for a video on YouTube

you -q will smith summertime

Play a specific video URL

you --url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6WpvBHdk1c"

Play a video by specifying its ID

you -v S6WpvBHdk1c

Search for a video and play the first result

you -l will smith summertime

Keyboard shortcuts

p or : pause

CTRL-c: quit

-, +: seek backward or forward 1 second