A tool to translate the Bible and Open Bible Stories into your own language. You can read more PR about this project at unfoldingWord.
###Requirements Specification The official requirements are available at tS Requirements.
##Developement Your code will not be accepted if it is missing appropriate tests. Want more info? Checkout the wiki articles.
###Software Dependencies
###Testing Frameworks
- mocha Unit testing framework
- TODO: acceptance testing framework
To execute unit tests run this command
$ grunt test
- JavaScript written for this app should adhere to the ECMAScript 6 specification or, in cases where documentation or implementation are incomplete, the ECMAScript 5.1 specification.
- Promises! This makes everything amazing so be sure to make lots of them.
###Platform The core of this project is powered by nwjs.
###Libraries and Frameworks tS desktop is developed using a number of different frameworks and libraries.
- Polymer - For building custom dom elements.
- Lo-Dash - (maybe) Provides extra functional utilities.
- Sizzle - (maybe - Might be provided by polymer) css selector.
Clone the repo. In the directory:
$ npm install && bower install
That's it!
$ grunt
will produce a distribution$ grunt check
will check your JS files$ grunt sass
will compile your Sass into CSS$ npm start
will open up the project with NW.js
###Dev Inspector
When running the app, Ctrl-Alt-I
will open the Dev Inspector.