
Quiz and chat application build using Android and Firebase.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Harry Potter and The Game

Quiz and chat application build using Android and Firebase.
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About The Project

Harry Potter and The Game Demo

Harry Potter and The Game Demo

Harry Potter and The Game is an Android application, in which user can create an account. After login user will be able to learn about Harry Potter, learning component uses swipe mechanism to load different facts to learn. Second component is quiz where user can test their knowledge about Harry Potter, this component is divided into 7 levels representing 7 years of Hogwarts. Third part is chatting component, where user will be able to chat within their Hogwarts house or with ever user in group chat.

There is also user Dashboard where user will be able to see their details like total score, current level and rank. And in leaderboard section user will be able to compare their ranks with every player in game or within there Hogwarts house.

Built With

What I learned

  • Learned to integrate a database with Android application.
  • How to implemented user authentication and Real Time leader-board.
  • Learned how to get and use user location.

Getting Started

To start working on application follow below steps :



  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/dhairya0907/Harry-Potter-And-The-Game.git
  2. Add google-services.json from firebase in app folder.
  3. Import Firebase_Quiz_Questions_and_Learn.json to real time database of firebase.
  4. Run project from Android Studio.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Dhairya Sharma - @dhairya_0907 - dhairya.sharma532@gmail.com.com

Project Github Link: https://github.com/dhairya0907/Harry-Potter-And-The-Game