Linux based File Explorer

A file explorer for linux systems that runs on terminal


1. Platform: Linux

2. Software Requirement:

  • G++ compiler
    • To install G++ : sudo apt-get install g++

Steps to run the project

  • Open your terminal with present working directory as the project folder. Then run the make command to run the makefile. make
  • Then finally run the project as shown below, ./main


  • Default mode is Normal mode and press : to switch to Command mode.
  • Press ESC key to go back to normal mode from command mode.
  • Press q key from normal mode to exit from program.
  • In Normal Mode, assumed the max window size as 10.
  • In Command mode, to edit the command use backspace only.
  • For files/directories which contain space in name, backslash (\) is used as delimeter.
    • For Example :- If file name is "os assignment" (without double quote) then user should enter "os\ assignment" (without double quote).
  • Preferable to open terminal in full size. if one record spans over more than one line then navigation won't work correctly.
  • if Enter is pressed on some file and if there is no default application found then there will be no movement.