Adwan Marketing Company Project


The Adwan Marketing Company project showcases my expertise in developing a feature-rich B2C and B2B E-commerce platform. This project utilizes Spring Boot, Java, GraphQL, Rest APIs, and MySQL to create a seamless and dynamic user experience.

Key Features

B2C and B2B E-commerce Platform

  • User-Friendly Order Placement: Users can place orders without creating an account, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Vendor-Friendly Product Management: Small and large-scale vendors can efficiently add products by uploading formatted CSV files.

GraphQL Implementation

  • Efficient Data Retrieval and Modification: GraphQL optimizes the retrieval and modification of product details for a Progressive Web App (PWA) frontend.

  • Update Custom Product Attributes: GraphQL facilitates the update of custom product attributes, ensuring adaptability to evolving product specifications.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot: Creates a powerful, production-grade backend with minimal effort.

  • Java: Used for its versatility and compatibility, enabling seamless integration with other technologies.

  • GraphQL: Implemented for efficient and flexible data retrieval and modification.

  • Rest APIs: Integrated to facilitate communication between different components of the system.

  • MySQL: Chosen as the relational database management system for its reliability and scalability.


  • Transformed the traditional shopping experience into a modern and user-centric platform.
  • Implemented vendor-friendly features streamlining product management for both small and large-scale vendors.
  • Utilized GraphQL to optimize data retrieval and modification for a PWA frontend.
  • Enabled dynamic updates of custom product attributes, ensuring adaptability to changing business requirements.

Future Enhancements

As the Adwan Marketing Company project evolves, future enhancements may include:

  • Implementation of additional GraphQL queries and mutations to enhance data manipulation capabilities.
  • Integration of advanced security measures to safeguard user and vendor data.
  • Implementation of analytics and reporting features to provide valuable insights into user behavior and sales trends.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and elevate the Adwan Marketing Company project!

Best Regards, Rohan Dhakad