Python File Arranger
This script arranges the files by there extension
OMDB API USED I have included my api key which allows upto 1000 requests
It's speciality is arranging the movie's by there genreš
Make sure take atleast Python is installed on your machine and added to path
avoid installing the lastest version
Simply after cloning the rep run the command pip install -r requirement.txt
It's always better if you use a virtual enviroment
To run the script use the command
SRC --.> the path which needs to be arranged, files from this path will be moved from here
DES --> the path where you want the files to be moved
python SRC DES
example(windows):- python C:/Users/Adi/Download/ C:/Users/Adi/Desktop/files/
(linux): python /home/kana/Videos /home/kana/sorted_files/
Note: remember to put '/' at the end, and the direction of the backslash should be same as the above examples