
A curated list of awesome dhall-lang

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Awesome Dhall-Lang Awesome


A curated list of awesome dhall-lang binding, libraries and anything related to dhall-lang!




Output Formats



  • cpkg - A build tool/package manager for C, configured with Dhall.
  • updo - From Dhall configuration, generate Stack and Cabal projects with Dhall text templating.
  • dhall-mock - A HTTP mock server based on Dhall configuration.
  • approportionment - Yee diagram generator for multi-winner electoral methods designed for proportional representation, configured with Dhall.
  • podenv - A container runtime wrapper using Dhall to define functional environments.
  • animation-fractal - A graphic engine using Dhall to define demos, see the Using Dhall To Animate Fractal blog post.

Text Editor Support


Anyone who finds something interesting about dhall-lang is welcome to submit a pull request to add it to our list! Please conduct the CONTRIBUTING.md before submitting the pull request.