
Does not fulfill official awesome list criteria

lohfu opened this issue · 6 comments

lohfu commented

I would like to submit your list to the official awesome list repo, but it does not currently comply with the official guidelines. Could you perhaps update it so it does?

The following conditions are not met:

    - [ ] contains the [awesome badge](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/awesome.md#awesome-badge) on the right side of the list heading,
    - [ ] has a Table of Contents section named `Contents` as the first section,
    - [ ] has an [appropriate license](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/awesome.md#choose-an-appropriate-license) *(Meaning something like CC0, NOT a code licence like MIT, BSD, Apache, etc)*,
    - [ ] has [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/awesome.md#include-contribution-guidelines),

Hi @lohfu,

We do have contribution guidelines, CC0, and a table of contents. I think including the badge front and center as the first thing anyone sees after the title, that just takes attention away from the content of the list, which is what people are here for. Also, I think that being required to follow certain guidelines I do not control seems very restricting to me, and I am not comfortable with that. Hence this is not on my priority list right now, regardless thanks for reaching out.

lohfu commented

ok, seems very reasonable.

On 7 September 2016 at 08:21, Asad Dhamani notifications@github.com wrote:

Closed #111 #111.

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If all that is needed to improve the publicity of the list is to add a badge, I'd say that's a hoop worth jumping through.
When I didn't see a Postgres list in the Database section, of the "master" list, I wondered why there was no such list. I think it makes sense to go to some effort to get it integrated in.

Thanks, but I stand by my opinion. I mean no harm :).

I think it does do harm to prevent inclusion in the "master" list, whether that's intended or not.

I hope you would still mean no harm if others were to submit a similarly-named fork that does comply to the "central" guidelines. Hopefully that wouldn't lead to hard feelings?