
Some scripts and instructions which help to create custom vagrant box and configure it with chef

Primary LanguageShell


This project devoted to simplified process of custom vagrant box configuration.

Update: it's probably better to use veewee. I didn't know about it when I made this project. Leaving the repo just in case.

Guest system installation

I prefer to use Debian for servers, so this guide would be about Debian only (I think you might find something useful for other operating systems too).

First, you need to install VirtualBox to make things happen.

Then you need to download debian installer iso, e.g debian-squeeze-i386-6.0.7-netinst which was used here.

###The following settings were used:###

  • RAM size 384 MB
  • VDI disk image
  • Dynamic size: 40 GB
  • Settings → System → Motherboard → Boot order → Diskette was disabled
  • Settings → Audio was disabled
  • Settings → Network was set to NAT

###Installation process settings are default:###

  • Language: English
  • Location: United States
  • Keyboard layout: American English
  • Hostname: vagrant
  • Domain name: empty
  • Root password: vagrant
  • Main account login: vagrant
  • Main account password: vagrant
  • Timezone: Eastern
  • Partitioning method: Guided → use entire disk
  • All files on the same partition
  • Swap partition size: 768 MB
  • Debian archive mirror country: United States
  • Debian archive mirror: ftp.us.debian.org
  • No proxy
  • No popularity-contest
  • Additional packages: ssh server, standard system utilities
  • GRUB installed to MBR

You can create your own Virtual Machine with custom settings based on the above settings.

###Basic configuration before creating vagrant box:###

To prepare virtual machine for packaging you should login as root and run post-install.sh which you can find in this repository. You can do it by executing the following command:

wget -O- https://raw.github.com/dhampik/vagrant-boxer/master/post-install.sh | bash

Read comments in post-install.sh to figure out how does it work.

###We can now package virtual machine into vagrant box:###

# Create dir anyware to store vagrant box, name doesn't matter
mkdir vagrant
cd vagrant
# "vagrant-box-debian-6.0.6-i386" is the name of virtual machine listed in virtualbox manager
vagrant package --base vagrant-box-debian-6.0.6-i386 --output base-debian-squeeze-i386.box

###You can now run your own vagrant box:###

# change dir to the one where you saved your packaged vagrant box
cd vagrant
# Add vagrant box to the list of your boxes and name it "dev-box"
vagrant box add dev-box base-debian-squeeze-i386.box
# Create dir for you vagrant project and change current dir to it
mkdir dev-env
cd dev-env
# Init vagrant box
vagrant init dev-box
# Run vagrang box
vagrant up

Now you have your vagrant box up and running. You can access it via ssh. If you are using Windows, you should do the following to access vagrant box via PuTTy:

  • install PuTTy
  • convert the %HOMEPATH%\.vagrant.d\insecure_private_key to .ppk using PuTTYGen (Run puttygen, load key, save private key)
  • use the above converted .ppk key for your PuTTY session (This could be configured through Connection → SSH → Auth → Private key file option when you create a new session)

###Here you should use different provision scripts and cookbooks to setup all required software###