
Deep Q-Learning | Value and Policy iteration

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Q-learning | Value and Policy iteration

This repository implements DQN, and Value Iteration and Policy Iteration as given in Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.

DQN algorithm

The subfolder dqn/ consists of the modules: DQN_Implementation.py, cartpole.py and mountaincar.py.

DQN_Implementation.py implements the Deep Q-Network algorithm. It consists of three classes:

  • QNetwork: implements the Q learning algorithm by using a neural network for approximating the Q value function.
  • Replay_Memory: implements the replay buffer used to train the DQN agent.
  • DQN_Agent: implements the DQN algorithm by combining Q learning with replay buffer.

cartpole.py and mountaincar.py are the configuration files for environments CartPole-v0 and MountainCar-v0, respectively.

The module takes as argument the environment's config file as specified above.

In order to run the code, please type the following command in terminal:

python dqn/DQN_Implementation.py --env <environment's .py config file>

The module will also generate videos of the environment at 0/3, 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 of the total number of episodes as specified in the configuration.

Value Iteration and Policy Iteration

The subfolder vi_pi/tools/ consists of modules lake_envs.py and rl.py.

rl.py consists of various functions that implement policy iteration by combining policy evaluation and policy improvement. It also implements the value iteration algorithm. Both policy iteration and value iteration have been implemented using synchronous and asynchronous methods. Amongst asynchronous methods, there are two methods:

  • ordered states: states are iterated from smallest to highest.
  • random permutation: states are iterated over in a random fashion.
  • custom: only for value iteration. We implement value iteration using Manhattan Distance ordering of the states.

To run the code, please specify the configuration to be tested in the function run_my_policy in the module vi_pi/runner.py. Then run it by typing the following code in terminal:

python vi_pi/runner.py