
This project uses various python libraries to build a basic virtual assistant.

Primary LanguagePython

Virtual Assistant

This project uses various python libraries revolving around the text to speech domain to create a basic virtual assistant.

The virtual assistant responds to the name "Bosco" and can currently follow commands such as :

  1. Playing a particular song.
  2. Giving the current time.
  3. Narrating information about a person.
  4. Narrating information about a thing.
  5. Narrating a joke.

Tech Stack

Libraries speech_recognition, pyttsx3, pywhatkit, datetime, wikipedia, pyjokes

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://https://github.com/dhananjay-deshmukh/Virtual-Assistant.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Virtual-Assistant

Install dependencies

 pip install requirements.txt

After this simply run the code and begin your speech command with the word "Bosco,......."