This is a Android SDL project for building Spearmint (a modified ioquake3 engine). Currently this might not be working. SDL2 doesn't seem to work on my Android device (Droid) and the apk created here seems to fail in the emulator. Tested with Android SDK (with API 10 tools), Android NDK r8d, and JDK (openjdk-6-jdk package on Debian and Ubuntu). SDL requires API 10 or later. Android NDK r8d was latest when I started this, later versions may work. To build Spearmint for Android do the following; Symlink or hg clone SDL2 into jni/SDL Symlink or git clone spearmint's android branch into jni/spearmint Edit and set the path to your Android SDK. Create jni/spearmint/Makefile.local with the following: ANDROID_NDK_DIR=/path/to/android-ndk-r8d Run the following: make -C jni/spearmint COMPILE_PLATFORM=android COMPILE_ARCH=armeabi make -C jni/spearmint COMPILE_PLATFORM=android COMPILE_ARCH=armeabi-v7a make -C jni/spearmint COMPILE_PLATFORM=android COMPILE_ARCH=x86 make -C jni/spearmint COMPILE_PLATFORM=android COMPILE_ARCH=mips (If you don't want to build all of them, edit jni/ so that ndk-build won't error when they're missing.) Run Android NDK r8d ndk-build, i.e. /path/to/android-ndk-r8d/ndk-build Run 'ant debug' Now you should have bin/SpearmintActivity-debug.apk which can be installed and tested.
This is an Android SDL2 project for building Spearmint for Android. (Probably doesn't work.)