
using Node.js, Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Twitter

Steps by step to run project

  1. Install node js >= 8
  2. Import .sql into database
  3. Setup your database connection in .env
  4. Install depedency with npm install
  5. Start the project with npm start
  6. import postman_colection.json in postman for test program

--Info-- Folder Structur

  • Bin : Setup for run project
  • Configs: Variable setup for database
  • Src:
    • Routes: Setup Route for (user and timeline)
    • Methods : Main controller to put the logic.
    • Models : Setup and declare database statement including table and column.
    • Repositories : Help mapping from sql query statement.
    • Transformers : Help to manage and transform response data.
    • Utils : general function that will be use in another place. .env : for config Mysql

Working time arround 6 hours From npm init, into upload this zip

i not have time for upload this code