
#***(1)Returns all customers from customer table

customers = Customer.objects.all()

#(2)Returns first customer in table

firstCustomer = Customer.objects.first()

#(3)Returns last customer in table

lastCustomer = Customer.objects.last()

#(4)Returns single customer by name

customerByName = Customer.objects.get(name='Peter Piper')

#***(5)Returns single customer by name

customerById = Customer.objects.get(id=4)

#***(6)Returns all orders related to customer (firstCustomer variable set above)


#(7)***Returns orders customer name: (Query parent model values)

order = Order.objects.first() 
parentName =

#(8)***Returns products from products table with value of "Out Door" in category attribute

products = Product.objects.filter(category="Out Door")

#(9)***Order/Sort Objects by id

leastToGreatest = Product.objects.all().order_by('id') 
greatestToLeast = Product.objects.all().order_by('-id') 

#(10) Returns all products with tag of "Sports": (Query Many to Many Fields)

productsFiltered = Product.objects.filter(tags__name="Sports")

''' (11)Bonus Q: If the customer has more than 1 ball, how would you reflect it in the database? A: Because there are many different products and this value changes constantly you would most likly not want to store the value in the database but rather just make this a function we can run each time we load the customers profile '''

#Returns the total count for number of time a "Ball" was ordered by the first customer

ballOrders = firstCustomer.order_set.filter(product__name="Ball").count()

#Returns total count for each product orderd allOrders = {}

for order in firstCustomer.order_set.all():
	if in allOrders:
		allOrders[] += 1
		allOrders[] = 1

#Returns: allOrders: {'Ball': 2, 'BBQ Grill': 1}


class ParentModel(models.Model):
	name = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)

class ChildModel(models.Model):
	parent = models.ForeignKey(Customer)
	name = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)

parent = ParentModel.objects.first()

#Returns all child models related to parent

