
Primary LanguagePython


User Information

Please fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge:


Enter your age in years. For example, 25.


Select your sex from the following options: Male, Female, Other.

Highest Qualification:

  • Illiterate-0,
  • Literate Without formal education-1,
  • Literate With formal education-Below primary-2,
  • Literate With formal education-Primary-3,
  • Literate With formal education-Middle-4,
  • Literate With formal education-Secondary/Matric (Class-X)-5,
  • Literate With formal education-Hr. Secondary/Sr. Secondary/Pre-university(Class XII)-6,
  • Literate With formal education - Graduate/ B.Tech/ B.B.A/ MBBS/ Equivalent-7,
  • Literate With formal education-Post Grad/ M.Tech/ M.B.A/ MD/ Equivalent or higher-8,
  • Literate With formal education-Non-technical/ Technical diploma or certificate not equivalent to a degree-9 completed from the following options: No Formal Education, Primary School, Secondary School, Tertiary Education.

Rural: Select whether you live in a rural area or not from the following options: Yes, No.

  • Rural-1, Urban-2

Disability Status: Select whether you have a disability or not from the following options: Yes, No.

  • Mental-1,
  • Visual-2,
  • Hearing-3,
  • Speech-4,
  • Locomotor-5,
  • Multiple-6,
  • No Disability-0
  • (Others--7 :used in First & Second updation Survey only: details for Codes 0 to 6 remained same during the First & Second updation Survey )

Is Water Filter Available?:

Select whether a water filter is available at your place of residence or not from the following options: Yes, No.


Select whether you chew tobacco or not from the following options: Yes, No.


Select whether you smoke or not from the following options: Yes, No.


Select whether you drink alcohol or not from the following options: Yes, No.

Treatment Source:

Select the source from which you would seek medical treatment from the following options

  • Government Sub Center-01,
  • Government PHC-02,
  • Government CHC-03,
  • Government UHC/UHP/UFWC-04,
  • Government Dispensary/Clinic-05,
  • Government Hospital-06,
  • Government AYUSH Hospital/Clinic-07,
  • Private Dispensary/Clinic-08,
  • Private Hospital-09,
  • Private AYUSH Hospital/Clinic-10,
  • NGO or Trust Hosp/Clinic-11,
  • At Home-12,
  • Others-99,
  • No Medical attention-00