
Backend Youtube Api consumption

Primary LanguageGo


REQUEST : PLEASE GO THROUGH EVERY STEP , WRITE BACK TO MY MAIL ID : dhanushravula@gmail.com FOR ANY CLARIFICATION NOTE: Api key might expire, keep that into consideration , If one way does not work mainly docker , as it requires a lot of other things in local, do go with the normal way Backend Youtube Api consumption

  • Note the change in postman port for both the cases
  • Wait for initial 10seconds for the api to fetch the data


Main Branch , local without docker :

  • Create a database named youtube_data , in your local postgres
  • Run the migration.sql file to create table
  • use : go run . in terminal to run the server
  • Use Postman , localhost:3007/v1/GetData , with query param pg (page num), q(search filter on title) -Done

Docker branch , local with docker :

  • run : docker compose up --build
  • open terminal and enter psql
  • run : docker exec -it <container_id> psql -U postgres (replace the container_id with the db container id from your docker image)
  • run : CREATE DATABASE youtube_data;
  • run : \c youtube_data;(to connect to the databse we created just now inside the db container)
  • run : CREATE TABLE videos ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, description TEXT, publish_time TIMESTAMP, thumbnails TEXT[] );
  • go to postman : localhost:3000/v1/GetData , with query param pg (page num), q(search filter on title)
  • Done

#Setup -Running docker ENV: