7-Day JavaScript Mastery Curriculum 🚀

Welcome to the 7-Day JavaScript Mastery Curriculum! This guide is designed to help you become proficient in JavaScript by covering essential concepts and providing practical exercises each day.

Curriculum Overview

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript


  • 🔹 Basics of JavaScript
  • 🔹 Variables
  • 🔹 Data Types
  • 🔹 Operators

What You've Learned:

  • How to declare and initialize variables.
  • Different data types in JavaScript (string, number, boolean, etc.).
  • Using operators for arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations.


  • Declare variables of different types.
  • Perform operations using various operators.
  • Write a simple JavaScript program.

Day 2: Control Flow and Functions


  • 🔹 Conditional Statements
  • 🔹 Loops
  • 🔹 Functions

What You've Learned:

  • Writing if, else if, and else statements.
  • Using for, while, and do...while loops.
  • Defining and invoking functions, and using function parameters and return values.


  • Write conditional statements and loops.
  • Define and invoke functions.
  • Create functions with parameters and return values.

Day 3: Arrays and Array Methods


  • 🔹 Arrays
  • 🔹 Common Array Methods

What You've Learned:

  • Creating arrays and accessing elements.
  • Using array methods like push, pop, shift, unshift, map, filter,foreach, and reduce.


  • Create and manipulate arrays.
  • Use array methods to perform operations on arrays.

Day 4: Objects and Object Methods


  • 🔹 Objects
  • 🔹 Object Methods

What You've Learned:

  • Creating and manipulating objects.
  • Defining and using methods in objects.


  • Create and manipulate objects.
  • Write methods for objects to perform specific tasks.

Day 5: DOM Manipulation and Events


  • 🔹 The DOM (Document Object Model)
  • 🔹 Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements
  • 🔹 Event Handling

What You've Learned:

  • Selecting DOM elements using methods like getElementById, querySelector, and querySelectorAll.
  • Changing the content and style of DOM elements.
  • Adding event listeners to handle user interactions.


  • Select and manipulate DOM elements.
  • Handle events like clicks, form submissions, and key presses.

Day 6: Working with APIs and Fetch


  • 🔹 What is an API?
  • 🔹 HTTP Methods
  • 🔹 The Fetch API
  • 🔹 Handling Responses
  • 🔹 Error Handling
  • 🔹 Async/Await with Fetch

What You've Learned:

  • Making GET and POST requests using the Fetch API.
  • Handling API responses and errors.
  • Using async/await to simplify asynchronous code.


  • Make API requests using Fetch.
  • Handle responses and errors.
  • Use async/await for asynchronous operations.

Day 7: Advanced JavaScript Concepts


  • 🔹 Closures
  • 🔹 Currying
  • 🔹 Memoization
  • 🔹 Prototypes and Inheritance
  • 🔹 Event Loop and Concurrency Model
  • 🔹 Error Handling and Debugging

What You've Learned:

  • Closures: Functions that remember their outer variables and have access to them.
  • Currying: Transforming a function with multiple arguments into a series of functions with single arguments.
  • Memoization: Caching the results of function calls to optimize performance.
  • Prototypes and Inheritance: Using prototypes for inheritance in JavaScript.
  • Event Loop: Understanding how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations.
  • Error Handling: Using try...catch for exception handling and debugging tools for finding and fixing errors.


  • Create functions demonstrating closures and currying.
  • Implement a memoized version of a function.
  • Demonstrate prototype inheritance.
  • Write code to show the execution order of the event loop.
  • Handle errors using try...catch and debug using browser tools.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Follow the curriculum day by day.
  3. Use the provided exercises to practice each topic.

Happy coding! 🎉


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have suggestions for improvements or additional exercises.


I have learned all these concepts and created this curriculum with the help of ChatGPT by OpenAI.