
Python module for solving thin beams.

Primary LanguagePython

====== pyBeam

Python module for structural analysis of statically determinate thin beams.

Available types of supports:

  • simple support (deflection fixed),
  • only angle of deflection fixed,
  • encastre (both deflection and angle of deflection fixed),

Available types of loads:

  • force [N]
  • moment [N.m]
  • constant continuous load [N/m]

The Beam class provides methods for calculating:

  • reactions,
  • bending force and bending moment along the beam,
  • deflection and angle of deflection.


For importing beam into other scripts: numpy, scipy

For running the example: matplotlib

The software should work under both python versions 2 and 3, but has not been tested systematically against different versions of its requirements.