
Solutions for the .NET Early Engagement Program

Un-Sorted Programs

Solution of the Programs from all the topics but unsorted. Will sort them later.....

  1. Premium Calculations
  2. Bank Account Details
  3. Double Discount
  4. Double Discount 2
  5. Draw Pattern
  6. Dream Theme Park
  7. Electricity Bill
  8. Expense Management System
  9. Expense Management System 2
  10. ICT and Mock ICT C#
  11. Premium Calculation
  12. Sort By Price
  13. Unknown Programs
  14. Customer Utility
  15. Grade Calculation

DotNet Fundamentals and Soft Skills

Database Management


  1. Insert Records - Department
  2. Department name based on block number
  3. Student and their Department Based on City
  4. Car rental system - Create Table
  5. Car rental system - add new column
  6. car rental system - Insert values
  7. Hunger eats - change datatype
  8. Hunger eats - update table
  9. Hunger eats - Change the field name
  10. Delivery Partner details based on rating
  11. Car details based on type and name
  12. Customers having gmail id
  13. Car & owner details based on car type
  14. Concatenating Details
  15. Hotels that took order based on month
  16. Rental details based on date
  17. Customer contact details
  18. No of time rented by each car
  19. Review of delivery partner based on rating
  20. Total sale daywise
  21. Hotels not taken orders in a specific month
  22. Hotels that took order more than five times
  23. Credential details
  24. Maruthi car owner details
  25. Cars not taken for rent
  26. Hotel_info
  27. Customer mail details
  28. Order details

Code Challenges

1. RDBMS - Select Statements
3. Function - Scalar & Aggregate

4. Function & Subqueries

DotNet User Interface Design and Soft Skills

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


  1. Simple Calculator
  2. ACTB Connection Portal
  3. Consignment Booking - New
  4. Address Book - New

Code Challenges

HTML5 and CSS3

  1. Book A Show - Online Ticket Booking
  2. Palindrome Check
  3. Book Form


  2. E-Book Grand Sale
  3. Discount Price

C# Programming Fundamentals and Soft Skills

DataTypes And Variables Functions Methods, Decision Making


  1. Find Square and Cube
  2. Generate Bill Details
  3. MaxValueOfSignedByte
  4. DisplayLongNumber
  5. UserDetails
  6. BooleanResult

Looping constructs, Arrays & Inheritance and Polymorphism

  1. Quiz Competition Report
  2. Account Details
  3. String Concatenate
  4. Change a Word
  5. Reverse a Sentence
  6. Load Validator - Hands-On

Lambda Expressions, Access Modifiers, Lists, Arraylists vs Lists vs Arrays, Structs, Enums, Math Class, Random Class, Regular Expressions, DateTime, Linq

  1. Flight Status
  2. Append Text To A File
  3. Vehicle Released in Year - Linq
  4. Copy File Contents
  5. Balls Bowled - Hands -On
  6. AddNewMember - Hands - On
  7. Age Calculation

Code Challenges

2. C# - Function
3. C# - Loops and Arrays
5. C# - Collection, Lambda, Struct and Enum
6. C# - Code Challenge 6 - Linq