NTech E-Commerce

Live Demo



This is an e-commerce system to empower physical stores with digital frontend, meaning that when customers come in, they would use computers / tablets in order to find the items they want to purchase. The motivation behind is to support for stores with a lot of SKUs (i.e. thousands) whereby displaying every single SKU is impossible / inefficient. Instead, items are stored in a storage room with optimized placements of systematically labeled containers. When there's an order, the staff would be notified of the location of the items and pick them up for customers. Customers could then immediately check the item physically and decide whether to purchase or not. This system also allows for online purchase with delivery option or in-store pick-up.

Although this model might sound counter-intuitive or even going backwards from the fully e-commerce model, it's actually a model proven to work well in Indonesia. Due to geographical and behavioral reasons, a lot of people still prefer to meet-up and use cash when it comes to shopping.

This system is also designed to help operating multiple stores. It allows for multiple stores to manage their own stocks, while the SKU management is done only once from the cloud.


  • Support for per-store individual stock management, with centralized on-cloud SKU management.
  • Support for in-store purchase, in-store pick up, and online purchase with delivery option.
  • Works offline when there's no connectivity, and would sync with the cloud server when there's connectivity
  • Full-text search for products
  • Supports for thermal printer-based receipt.