README for BUG ============== 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Configuration 4. Troubleshooting ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION BUG is an unaltered-gameplay mod for Civ4:BTS. This readme covers how to install BUG manually, but we recommend that you use the installer when you can. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. INSTALLATION WARNING: You should never modify or replace the original BTS Assets files. __________________________________________________ 2.1. AS A MOD To install BUG as a mod so that you must load it to play, place the folder that contains this README file into your BTS's Mods folder. C:\Program Files Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword Mods BUG Mod x.x Readme.txt ... __________________________________________________ 2.2. CUSTOM ASSETS To install BUG so that it is always active with your games (this will allow you to use it with succession games and games you open from the CivFanatics forum), you must first copy the files and folders from the Assets folder into your CustomAssets folder. Next create a "BUG Mod" folder next to CustomAssets and copy the Info and UserSettings folders into it. Finally, copy the files inside PrivateMaps into BTS's PublicMaps folder. At each step it is important that you tell it to overwrite files. C:\Documents and Settings <your user name> My Documents My Games Beyond the Sword CustomAssets <-- folders in Assets go here BUG Mod <-- create this folder GameSetUpCheck <-- copy these three folders here Info UserSettings PublicMaps <-- copy files from PrivateMaps here ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. CONFIGURATION Once you start a game with BUG you can customize how BUG looks by hitting ALT + CTRL + O to get to the BUG Options screen. It has many tabs to organize the settings, and they are all written to INI files inside the UserSettings folder. You can also change them in these files, but this is only necessary for a handful of options. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. TROUBLESHOOTING If you are having any trouble getting BUG to work, start with our Troubleshooting wiki page: Post the information that page asks for to the Questions thread at our forum: If you find a feature or option that doesn't work properly, please post to our Bug Reporting thread: