
This is my resume, built using LaTeX.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Resume in LATEX Format Tweet License


This is my experimentation in making resume in Latex format. It gives a beautiful and stunning resume.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of my resume up and running on your local/online for further development and testing purposes.

How To Use Template

There are mainly two approach in which you can get started.


  1. Online - Create Overleaf project online and edit .tex file with your details.
  2. Offline - You can use Desktop application to edit offline document such as TexStudio.
    • You need to set up TexStudio and Latex Offline before start editing .tex document.

Editing Examples

  1. Modifying Header Make changes in author sectio to display your name

    \author{Your Name}

    Make changes in maketitle section. Here, href section follows URL and content which you want to display.

    \href{mailto:vxxxxxx@gmail.com}{vxxxxxxx@gmail.com} --- \href{http://vdharam.com}{http://vdharam.com}
  2. Modify Profile Section

    new content goes here....
  3. Add line break

  4. Add Bold Styling to text

    Your text goes here.....
  5. Add Link to reference

    \href{Your link goes here...}{Your text goes here.....}

Built With


Dharmendra Vishwakarma - @dharm18


Please create a new issue if you found any bugs or suggestions to implement.


This work is distributed under the MIT license see the LICENSE file for details.