
Bebas Kai font

SIL Open Font License 1.1OFL-1.1

Bebas Kai(改)

A display font

Bebas Kai(改) is a free display font for headline, caption, and titling designed by Ryoichi Tsunekawa.



Bebas Kai is licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
To view the copyright and specific terms and conditions please refer to OFL.txt


Ryoichi Tsunekawa


Please support our free font project.
Our free fonts are free even for commercial use. You can use them without any purchases.
But we welcome your support for free font project.
Please visit http://dharmatype.com/support

Images of Bebas Kai

/documentation/img/BebasKai_001.png /documentation/img/BebasKai_002.png
/documentation/img/BebasKai_003.png /documentation/img/BebasKai_004.png

Images of Bebas Neue Pro

/documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-001.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-002.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-008.png
/documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-005.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-006.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-003.png
/documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-007.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-009.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-004.png
/documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-010.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-011.png /documentation/img/BebasNeuePro-012.png