Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple CRUD API where users data can be retrieved, added, updated and deleted. API also has horizontal scaling implemented with Load balancing. For the implementation of the same, Cluster module of Node.js is used.

For storing the user data, here we have use in-memory database. When deployed on multiple instance this in-memory database is made consistent using Inter process communication.


Documentation of API

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/dharmikjethva30/CRUDAPI.git

Go to the project directory


Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server in development mode

  npm run start:dev

Start the server in Production mode

  npm run start:prod

Start the server in Multiple instance mode (with horizontal scaling and load balancing)

  npm run start:multi

Tech Stack

Server: Node.js, Express.js

Modules: cluster, os, uuid, validator

Devloper Modules: nodemon

🚀 About Me

I'm a Backend Node.js Developer...

🔗 Links

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