Channel Ranking Spaminess

This is a simple repository that stitches OpenRanks channel rankins APIs + OpenRanks Global Ranking APIs and finally retrieves more information about each of the user using Neynars API to get information on all the ranked users withing a channel which then exports a xlsx file with all of these information seperated by columns to eyeball the spaminess of the users' channel rankings within the channel.

Environment variables

You will need to set the following environment variables in your .env file:

Variable Description
NEYNAR_API_KEY The API key for Neynar

Steps to run

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the requirements using npm install
  3. Run the script using node index.js


in INdex.js you can change the following parameters:

Parameter Description
channelName The name of the channel to get the rankings for. You can find this on the Line:53 of the index.js file


The output is a xlsx file with the following columns:

fid channelRank fname username globalRank followerCount followingCount powerBadgeHolder
