
laravel chat app

Primary LanguagePHP

Realtime Private Chat

Here I have showing you that how to create realtime private chat application using socket io, Node JS, VueJS, Laravel.

System Requirements

The following are required to function properly.

  • Node v8.4.0+
  • Socket io v2.0
  • Vue.js v2.4.0
  • Laravel 5.4+
Chat application features
  1. Private chatting
  2. File send and receive
  3. Online Offline status
  4. Typing indicator
  5. Messages stored in database(MYSQL)
Getting Started

Step : 1

git clone https://github.com/sagarankoliya/realtime-private-chat-nodejs-socketio-vuejs-laravel.git

Step : 2

Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD

composer install

Step : 3

In project directory find .env.example and rename to .env

Generate laravel application key

php artisan key:generate


DB_DATABASE=your db name
DB_USERNAME=your db username
DB_PASSWORD=your db password

Also add below line in your .env


Step : 4

Run Migration & Seeder

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder

Step : 5

Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD

Open nodejs folder

install node dependencies

npm install

Step : 6

In nodejs directory open config/dev.json file

change database, user, password

below database configuration is same as above.

"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306,
"user": "your db username",
"password": "your db password",
"database": "your db name"

Step : 7

Start Node JS Chat Server

Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD Open nodejs folder

export NODE_ENV=dev
npm start

Start Laravel Server

Open Second Terminal / CMD Go to project directory

php artisan serve

Open url in multipal browser

Login with below Users

No Username Password
1 user1@gmail.com 123456
2 user2@gmail.com 123456
3 user3@gmail.com 123456

Login at least 2 user in different browser.

After login you can see all users in right sidebar click anyone user and start private chatting.

Thats it.

Feel free to contact me if you have any query. (^_^)