Normal way of instalation:
- install python
- install django
- install database
- install virtualenv
- setup environment variables
- setup heroku configuration
Download from If you’re running Linux or Mac OS X, you probably already have it installed.
Visit for a comprehensive tutorial on how to install django on your machine NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY (if you do please don't commit the changes to github) check the environment variables setup if you want to make any changes in the file
You could use any Database localy for development and testing. We recommend using PostgreSQL since we are using it in production.
Here is where you can learn more about virtual environments:
This is an easy link that sets up your virtualenv on a linux machine:
You can find in the following file the environment variables. Copy them to your ~/.bashrc file. If you make changes to the configuration do not commit this file to github
Follow up the instructions on
Useful commands:
virtualenv venv --distribute
source venv/bin/activate
pip install django-toolbelt
then to start the application either one of the commands
foreman start
./ runserver
- Django==1.5.4
- argparse==1.2.1
- dj-database-url==0.2.2
- dj-static==0.0.5
- django-toolbelt==0.0.1
- gunicorn==18.0
- psycopg2==2.5.1
- static==0.4
- wsgiref==0.1.2