This example notebook demonstrates how to bring your own java-based container and serve PMML based Models on Amazon SageMaker for Inference.
- Open AWS Console
- Search “SageMaker” and click “Amazon Sagemaker”
- Click Notebook -> Notebook Instances -> Create notebook Instances
Create Notebook Instance with the following details
Notebook instance name – “sagemaker-immersion-day”
Notebook instance type – “ml.m5.xlarge”
Go back to Notebook instance tab page and Open the notebook instance when status is InService -> Click “Open JupyterLab”. This will open a JupyterLab Interface.
Go to "Git" from the top menu and select "Clone a Repository" as shown below
- Click “sagemaker-byoc-pmml-example” folder -> JPMML_Models_SageMaker.ipynb and follow the instructions
- Select conda_python3 as the kernel in order to execute the notebook.