Single Cell Interactive Viewer is an R shiny application that allows users to interactively visualize single cell datasets. The application contains two modules - 1) SciViewIn: The input application that processes single cell data from .h5ad or .seurat format into either a local or remote database. 2) SciView: The main application that allows interactive visualization.
Installation: From git
The application is developed in R 4.0 and uses several dependancies listed below.
R Shiny libraries
- library(shiny)
- library(shinydashboard)
- library(shinyFiles)
- library(shinyWidgets)
- library(shinyjs)
- library(dashboardthemes)
- library(shinycssloaders)
- library(shinyBS)
R data handling libraries
- library(Seurat)
- library(reticulate)
- library(data.table)
- library(Matrix)
- library(SparseM)
- library(dplyr)
- library(preprocessCore)
- library(DT)
- library(optparse)
- library(gprofiler2)
- library(sparkline)
- library(reactable)
R data visualization libraries
- library(highcharter)
- library(plotly) #version='4.9.4'
- library(rasterly)
- library(png)
- library(heatmaply)
R database libraries
- library(RSQLite)
- library(RMySQL)
- library(DBI)
Custom R library
- library(pddExpn) : Available in this repo
Set up R locally or on your R-server.
Clone the repo and install all above-listed dependencies.
Copy genes.db data file from and store under the folder SciView
If running on ShinyServer, replace the index.html file with the provided copy.
Run the SciViewIn applications as following
runApp(appDir = "/path/to/SciViewIn/",launch.browser = T)
- Run the SciView applications as following
runApp(appDir = "/path/to/SciView/",launch.browser = T)
Installation: From Docker
You can run SciView using docker image available through DockerHub
The contianer can be run either on and an AWS-EC2 instance or on local linux cluster (where docker is installed and working)
You can listen to the SciView container on port 3838
While running it on an AWS-EC2, please make sure that the port used for listening on DNS server is open for traffic and is unused by other applications.
Make sure that docker is installed on the machine, before running following steps
Pull Docker image
docker pull 24122016/sciview:latest
- Check port usage
lsof -i :8080
lsof -i :3838
- Remove other docker containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
- Doker docker container and and mount volume * In the below command, data under /home/rstudio/data directory of the EC2 instance is mounted into shiny server * The port 3838 from the docker container is exposed to 8080. Hence, one can listen the application on (DNS-server-address):8080 * Mounted drive can be used to store the data (i.e. single cell seurat/h5ad ojects and .db files created by the application)
docker run -d -p 8080:3838 \
-v /home:/srv/shiny-server/data \
--name sciview sciview
If you are using local linux machine for running SciView, you can listen to the application on
You can check the run logs on the above running docker instance by launching interactive shell
docker exec -it sciview bash