Lecture Notes for nyc-mhtn-ds-051120 💾

For any new lecture notes, duplicate the notebook you will be using and rename it to something suitable (e.g ProgrammingFundamentalsI_Notes.ipynb).

If you want to store your notes in a personal repository on GitHub

Clone down your forked repository

** this step only happens once**

From your local folder with the forked repository

  • If you have set the remote skip to step 2️⃣
  1. Add the learn-co lecture notes repo as the remote, this step only happens once
git remote add upstream https://github.com/learn-co-students/nyc-mhtn-ds-051120-lectures.git
  1. Check the remote is set and your lecture notes repo is correct. You should see your forked repo after origin, and the learn-co-students repo after upstream
git remote -v
  1. Update the changes from the upstream learn-co lecture notes repo
git fetch upstream master
  1. Check that the master branch is selected
git branch
  1. Merge the new changes from the upstream learn-co lecture notes repo, with a commit message
git merge upstream/master -m 'what you updated'
  1. Push the changes to the forked lecture repo 🙌
git push

If you only want to save your notes locally

Clone down this repository.

  1. Check if new material is available
git status
  1. If your local files are behind, pull down new changes
git pull origin master